USABase Software (USBS) is the software flagship for Concepte of Illinois (Concepte). Founded in 1983, Concepte has grown in the industry with Service as its’ guiding direction. Today, with a customer base of thousands our Service and Software has become a leader in providing just the right amount of service and support in a timely manner. The software is branded under the USABase Software name; to help you identify who we are and what we do for you. Our software packages are written for both the commercial and government sectors with the public usage always in mind. Our goal is to make it simple to use and able to access it from anywhere at anytime via the Internet Cloud.
Our two core values, namely our continuous endeavor to obtain the highest quality and the competitiveness of Concepte’s best practice processes. To these ends you will receive a solution that works and works for you.
Throughout the years, Concepte of Illinois has developed a strong partnership network with our clients that help ensure you get the support you need and deserve.
Service and Support You can Trust
We are here when you need us.